Definition of Nose job

1. Noun. Cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your nose.

Definition of Nose job

1. Noun. (informal) A plastic surgical procedure to alter the appearance of the nose, especially for cosmetic reasons; the resulting physical appearance of the nose. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Nose job

1. Plastic surgery on the nose known medically as a rhinoplasty. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Nose Job

nose bag
nose bags
nose bleed
nose candy
nose cone
nose count
nose diseases
nose dive
nose drops
nose flute
nose flutes
nose grind
nose guard
nose guards
nose job
nose jobs
nose out
nose out of joint
nose pad
nose pads
nose piece
nose poke
nose poked
nose pokes
nose poking
nose ring
nose slide
nose swab
nose test

Literary usage of Nose job

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art: With that of His by Jameson (Anna), Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake (1872)
"In the next scene his wife stands before him, as usual, covering her nose. Job holds in his hand, and seems to show her, the letter or edict of God: ' What! ..."

2. The History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art: With that of His by Jameson (Anna), Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake (1872)
"In the next scene his wife stands before him, as usual, covering her nose. Job holds in his hand, and seems to show her, the letter or edict of God: ' What! ..."

3. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold (1851)
"... took his fingers from his nose. Job was not a salamander; a spark from the blazing wood had lighted on his cheek, as the too near Skinks was about to ..."

4. The Bibles of England: A Plain Account for Plain People of the Principal by Andrew Edgar (1889)
"7.—His hands shall be good ynough for him, if thou helpe him against his enemies. Deut. xxxiii. 10.—They shall put incense to thy nose. Job. vii. 3. ..."

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